
DIY Unbleached Tea Bags

DIY Unbeached Tea Bags are awesome because:

  1. They are portable and easy to take with you, even on an airplane!
  2. They are completely customizable to whatever your soul is desiring at the moment
  3. They make incredibly cute and unique gifts for someone celebrating a birthday, baby shower, or holiday (easy, handmade Christmas present anyone?) — Plus you can add your own special tag to it!
  4. They are made with unbleached filters so you don’t have to worry about unnecessary toxins filtering into your tea
  5. They are so simple to make and take less than 15 minutes to do so!

Are you excited yet!?

Head over to Mommypotamus’ site to read the rest and get the really simple instructions on how to make these DIY unbleached tea bags. I have guest posted for her to help alleviate some time so she can spend it with her new baby potami, Levi.


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